Nashville Banner from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)

1 under 10 cotton 10 16- to from 30 Cotton 1001 8 of sell- much by Pir Du Intl 23 Stand Johns filinois Hudson Conti il de Pac in Cash Gulf Ou Steel Co Mans Pacific Co to with Pac Oblo Central Jersey 30 72 501 30 30 est Corn In of tion. District je in 1311 of public GULL in in TEN THE NASHVILLE BANNER, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1942 Dow-Jones Averages Yesterday's Averages Inda. Rails Utile Previous Close .113.60 28.66 11.19 Net Change 4.30 50 11 A M. 28.64 18.30 Net Change -00 12 M. 114.16 28.00 13.30 Net Change .06 1 P.

114.00 28.54 Net Change 10 2 P. M. 28.60 18.30 Net Change 4.53 Close ..118.08 28.56 18.87 Net. Change 33 07 Daily Average Of Local Stocks 4 6 Bradlere Teday. 142.34 4.14 Previous day 142.20 Month age 141.52 Year age 148.13 Stock Averages chance Month ERRED 18 Indent Rail Stocks STOCK RANGE SINCE 1991 heh Bond Averages 10 Rails Indest Util Todar 4 chance Unch Month 10 LOW YIELD BONDS Today Perious da Month Year nich TREND OF STAPLE PRICES New York.

Oft. The Associated of Press weighted wholesale price index commodities today: day 100.90 Previous Today 101. Net change Month 800 Year hich hich 1940 low hich low 11926 equals Cotton Market NEW FORK COTTON York. Oct. futures New today continued pressure hedge prices off as selling which carried 40 cents bale, Values rallied moderately the lows continued price fixine and buying on, The New York exchange service of in estimated total consumption cotton durine September at 960.000 this country for in monthcomparing with 925.000 bales Futures closed 10 to cents bale lower.

NEW YORK COTTON (Quotations by Merrill Lynch. Pierce, Penner de Beane. R. V. Cook.

Mer.I Open High Low Close March 84.31 18.41 18.55 MAY 18.63 18.63 July 17.91 17.91 October 18.21 18.10 18.16 December Spots 19.59. NEW ORLEANS COTTON New Orleans. Oct. Hedge ing and week -end lone liquidation The pressed cotton futures here today. market closed steady 25 cents bale lower.

NEW ORLEANS COTTON by Merrill Lynch. Pierce, Fenner Beane. R. V. Cook.

Mer.I (Quotations Open High Low Close 18.48 18.48 18.48 18.48 January 18.60 18.61 18.53 18.58 March 18.72 18.65 18.70 May 18.72 18.81 18.81 18.78 18.78 July 18.38 18.40 18.32 18.37 December Spots 18.62. SPOT COTTON New Orleans. Oct. 10 Spot cotton cents a bale lower. Sales closed steady 20 6.818.

Low middling 15.37, middling 18.62, good middling 19.07. receipts 1.943, stock 261.178. Bond Market NEW YORK BOND QUOTATIONS J. C. Bradford brokers.

mem(By bers of New York Stock Exchange.) GOVERNMENT Treasury 1944-54 106.162106.18 Treasury 1943-47 101.28 101.30 Treasury 1952 114.174 114.19 Australia 1956 65 66 Denmark 1962 35 French 7s 1940 84b INDUSTRIALS. RAILS AND UTILITY Atch Add 48 1995 93.2 93.4 is 1952 74.7 Allegheny 55 1944 67.6 68 8 5s 1950 39.4 40 Brooklyn Un 55 1950 80.1 82.3 Chicago 5s 2037 26 26.1 Drug 58 1953 96 a 96.2 2003 93 A 93.3 New Eng 1961 124.6 in 126 Southern Ry 48 1956 67.5 4 67.7 DEATH NOTICES GARDNER-Saturday morning. October 10. 1942. at his residence.

1015 Maplewood Lane. Hart W. Gardner. aged. 78 years.

Husband of Mrs. Nettie Murphy Gardner: brother of Mrs. W. H. Farmer.

Adams. Tenn. Remains are at the Cosmopolitan Funeral Home. 2408 West End Avenue. Complete arrangements will be announced later.

GRIBBLE--William E. Gribble, passed away local infirmary at 10:45 Saturday morning. October 10. He is survived by his wife. Mrs.

Hallie Justice Gribble: son, William Justice Gribble: brother. Vernon Gribble. Complete notice will be announced later by Roesch-Charlton Co. MOGAN-Friday afternoon. Oct.

9. 1942. at 12:30 o' 'clock. at a local infirmary. Patrick A.

Mogan. Survived by sisters. Sister M. Hilda of St. Bernard Academy.

and Mrs. J. J. Mulloy: and brother, Joseph J. Moran.

The remains are st Martin's. Funeral Monday morning. leavins at 9 o'clock. Requiem high mass In- at St. Mary's Church at 9:30 o'clock.

terment. Calvary Cemetery. The following are pallbearers: A. Corrieri, Louis Krebs. Martin McNamara.

Gino Marchetti, A. Minardi. Kelley, Henry Mogan. William 'Shea. Chris Power, Edward Nenon.

Paul Breen. Eugene Mulloy. and Carr. Martin's. West End.

6-2637. VAUGHN Saturday morning at 12 o'clock. October 10. 1942. at the home of her son, Louis.

Mrs. Louise Holderman Vaughn: wife of G. I. Vaughn: mother of Mrs. M.

J. Vitol of Lancaster, James T. Dement of St. Louis. Private George I.

Vaughn. Jr. Australia. Seaman Frank M. Vaughn of Great Lakes Naval Station, Chicago, Pvt.

Druding Vaughn of Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis. Mo. Remairs will arrive Sunday and be conveyed to the parlors of RoeschCharlton. Company, 1529 Broadway.

funeral arrangements will be announced later. IN' MEMORIAM In loving memory, of Mrs. Emma D. Wolford. who passed away five years ago October 10.

1937. Sadly missed by daughter. MRS. B. HAWKINS, and granddaughter.

MRS. GLENN R. LONG. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of my son. ROBERT PARRISH.

who 80 suddenly passed away five years ago today (Oct. 10. 1937). Darling. miss you.

Mother. MRS. E. F. PARRISH.

Brother, LESLIE FLOWERS Harrison Bros. 6-5191 Local Securities BANKS AND INSURANCE STOCKS IN CORPORATION STOCKS Do States 1981 GET Treasury Statement of the October 47 Receipts Expenditures Receipts Geld assets Nashville EGGS AND PRODUCE daily Brothers market A Firm and unchaneed. 1 current, receipta candied 350 Firm unchange bena wader roosters black bena turkers. be Colored sprine chickens Les Country and SAmE black sprine 3 NEW FORK PRODUCE New York. Oct.

16- -Produce ket: Pota Easier: Idaho Russets 3.40 a 50 ibe. 61 Six minimum 10 Ibe. Maine Green Mountain various The. 85 Jersey New Jersey No. medium 50065: 1.00: Southern bu, baskets 401 Eastern Shore 1.00.

bbis. 1 50 2.50: bu. basketa Southern 6501 EastShore 50 Live poultry Tinted grades easy: 20: roosters A 8 10. old ducks A 20: Lone Taland A 17012: rabbits A 166 23: fowls A chickens A broilers A 49 29. pierons.

pair. large white 50: pulleta A 240:36. Grain Market CHICAGO GRAIN Chicago. Oct. 10 Corn futures prices fell almost a cent bushel at the opening today to new lows since last December as the market reflected the ernment crop report estimating the 1942 crop at an all-time record, with prospective feed supplies for 1942-43 the history.

Big production of all crops weakened prices other grains. Corn opened cent lower. ber 81 off. December 81.25 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Reported by Merrill, Lynch. Pierce.

Penner de Beane. Cook. Manager Oper Rich Low Close WheatDecember May July 18 1 December May July OatsDecember MAY 11: R.reJuly May December 1 LardNo sales. Soy BeansOctober 1.62 1.62½ 1.61% 1.61% December 1.66% 1.66% 1.66% 1.66¼ by Royal Milling Company and the American Steam Peed Company! BRAN- 837.00 per ton; in less than car lots. $40.00 per ton: shorts.

$40.00 and less than car lots $43.00. OATS- -Feeding outa No. per bushel 620. CORN- -Por immediate delivery will DAY $4.60 per bel. for No.

1 yellow ear corn. For No, 2 (nem) white ear corn $4,75 For No (mixed) ear corn $4.50 Ail prices are delivered at our varenouse settlement on Nashville official shelled weights. These prices are subject to chance without notice Dixie Elevator. Burns Avenue FLOUR -Winter wheat 96-lb. superintive patent $8.00: highest patent 87.40: ard patent $7.10.

WHEAT- -NO delivered at mill with bill 1.40. Colonial Milling Company pay ine $1.25 bulk delivered at mill for No. red wheat Mill closed Saturdays. HORSE FEED Car Lots $43.00 per ton: in less than lots $45.00 per son: dairy feed 16 per cent protein. our lots $36.00 cer ton: less than car lots 838.00 per ton: 26 per cent proteta.

CAP 841.00 per ton: less than car lots. $42.00: barrel salt. 300 lbs. $3.50 COTTONSEED MEAL CAr Iota 838.00: less than car lots. $41.00 SCRATCH PEED Car Iota.

$42.00: less than ca lots $44.00: HOMINY CAP Iota. 837.00: less than lots. 839.00 TANKAGE Car lots, $70.00: less that car' lots. $73.00: ment SCraDs, car lots. $74.00: less than car lots, $77.00 per ton Hay, Straw, and Feed (Furnished by Kittrell Grain Peed Co.) No.

1 Western timothy. per toD 825 No. 2 timothy bay. per ton Local ungraded timothy nay. per ton No.

Lespedesa has. per ton No. Lespedeza hay. per ton No wheat straw per 100 Local alfalfa Sweet feed. per ton dairy teed.

per ton Sweet horse feed Wheat shorts DEF ton Wheat bran Egg mash, per Egg mash, per Poultry a fattening mash. per Starter-grower mash, per ton Scratch feed 50-50 per ton Yellow corn chops. per com top Cottonseed meal per ton Hominy feed. per ton Ground barley per ton Ground wheat prostami BOB feed protein. per ton Hos Mineral calcium Dog feed (meat cereal Der ton Crushed ear corn Black strap molasses Der tom BONDS INVESTING COMPANIES New York.

Oct. 10-(P)- Bid Asked Affiliated P' Inc 1.94 2.13 Amer Bus Shrs 2.47 2.71 Basic Industry 2.89 Boston Fund Inc 12.79 13.75 Bullock Fund 11.36 12.45 Can Inv Fund 2.45 3.05 Century Shrs Tr 23.98 25.78 Chemical Fund 8.40 9.09 Corporate Trust 1.87 Corporate Tr AA 1.79 Corp Tr AA Mod 2.17 Corp Tr ACC Mod 2.17 Crum Forster 24.00 26.00 Crum Ins 25.00 Crum Ins 7 DI 111.50 Cumulative Tr Sh 3.72 2.85 Diversified Tr 4.30 4.85 Dividend Shrs .99 1.08 Fidelity Fund Inc 15.72 17.23 Gen Capital Corp 25.25 27.15 Gen Investors Tr 3.91 4.21 Group Sec Avia 6.45 7.10. Groun Sec Chemical 5.10 5.62 Group Sec RR Equip 2.93 3.24 Group Sec RR Shrs 2.61 2.89 Group Sec Steel 3.91 4.31 Incorp Investors, 13.82 14.86 Manhat Bond Fund 6.81 7.50 Maryland Fund 3.15 3.75 Mass Invest Tr 16.32 17.55 Mass Invest 2d Fd Inc 7.85 8.44 Nation Wide Sec 2.75 Nation Wide Vot .98 1.08 Natl Investors 4.76 5.15 England Fund 10.06 10.85 Amer Bond Tr ctis 37.125 Amer Tr Sh 1955. 2.05 Amer Tr Sh 1956. 2.01 Amer Tr Sh 1958 1.63 Putnam Fund 11.17 11.95 Quarterly Income Sh 4.40 5.15 Selected Amer Sh Inc 7.39 8.06 Selected Income Sh 3.24 State St Inv 59.87 64 76 Super of Amer AA 1.93 Trustee St OIl.

On Shrs 4.67 IT 8 11.00 0 EI 1.12 Wellington Fund 13.06/ 14.40 COTTONSEED MEAL Memphis. Oct. 10 UP) Prime cottonseed meal futures 141 per cent) closed quiet. Closing prices f.o.b. Mem'phis: October.

35.20: December: 35.50: January. 35.65; Mach, 36.35. Sales. 1.000 tons. The Nashville Banner Legal Notices TREASURY Nashville Preston made applicati Nashville a permit locate operate a store under the of State mines 600 Ave.

This 10th day October, 1942. ANNOUNCEMENTS Lost and Found 1 APOTTED POLAND CHINA welchi atrared STRAYED ONE JUED 86 horns reward Antioch Call er. LOST- MALE POINTER. liver and white lation around neck, Named REWArd HUMPHRIES COUNTY or between 7 and Reminaion automatic -701 FOUND- PEKINGESE CALL GOAD Personals Reward RESTRAVEN-3306 Hillsboro cancy convalescent Lovely location. reasonable rates.

Vin. RUBY AMBULATORY OR BED PATIENTS Trained nurses day and PEARL 3411 Love Circle. W. VACANCY In nursing home Kind rates. MRS.

MOND 120 BowlIDE Avenue. 8-3133. PRIVATE HOME FOR CHILDREN cial care Young babies. Nurse's supervision, Weekly 1-2355. VACANCY In nursing home.

Nurses pervision. IRS. MARGARET ELLIOTT. 3520 West End NURSING HOME invalids, ables. MRS.

DAVIS. Stratton. 3-0401. NAUHEIM BATHS- colonies: arthritis. nervousness.

REDUCING. (Men- 6-2819. YOU TOO can play piano. 16 lessons, SWING style. 1-3968-R.

FRIVATE ROOMS for A elderly prople: registered nurse, NURSING HOME Invalids. aged MRA. NELSON 1700 Travel Opportunities TWO back and NORMAL Special Notices PERMANENT waves $1 up: other work charged for accordinely. NASHVILLE SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE. Jackson Bide.

5-9154. REGULAR M4 PERMANENT. $2. Special 85.50 permanent. LORENE'6 BEAUTY SHOP.

605 Hitchco*ck Bide. 6-9841, RECEIVING DAILY fresh loads apples and for canning. CHEAP. 6-9364. pears Third North.



Pifth WILLIAMS. EXTERMINATE termites, water bugs. pests. Original BUGMAN. Phone only.

2-1435. 2700 Gallatin Road. FLOOR SANDERS, POLISHERS for rent. pipe. Stove Boards, Glass.

Cumberland 1018 Woodland, REMODELED FUR COAT. DRESSES. HATS draft our patterns 7-4243-M BUSINESS GUIDE Business Services Offered CRUSHED STONE -LYNWOOD asphalt QUARRY. Concrete driveways at prices. Walks, walls, floors, foundations.

8-3811, 5-8791. DRIVEWAYS CONCRETE DRAINAGE CARPENTRY. Reasonable. 3-2101-R. preferably evenings.

ROOFING SERVICE -Asbestos shingles. brick siding. Wallboard. insulation. Terms.

5-3468. HAULING, driveways, grading, excavating. septic tanks overflow. dirt delivered. 2-2051, FOR SEPTIC TANK CLEANING CALL COLE.

5-4465. HARDWOOD Guaranteed FLOORS refinished like Dew SCOTT 3-2657 STOCK removed free Call BROWN. County Contractor 6-8566 load: clay $2.50. Belle Meade-Hillsboro. 8-3811, 5-8791.

FURNACE CLEANING. REPAIRING. Broken bowls lined with brick. 6-8831. Repairing and Cleaning LET US ORDER YOUR REPAIR PARTS For Any RANGE or HEATER Nashville Furniture Co.

214 Third N. FURNACE CLEANING And repairing All makes Stokers servIced. repaired Factory trained mechanics Free estimates Work guaranteed ReWHITE HEATING CO. 7-1208. GENERAL REPAIRING on fireplaces, mantels.

resetting. Work anteed. STOKER CLEANING, furnace repairing and cleaning. done reasonable. 5-8806.

6-A Electrical Repairing Electrolux Cleaners Inspected Free Serviced and Repaired tY factory methods. with genuine Electrolux parts while available at ceiling prices. Electrolux Corporation 5-6521 7 Moving, Storage, Hauling up. local. long distance.

Reasonable, experienced moving. "CHICKENS SCRATCH WE DON'T DURHAM STORAGE HOUSEHOLD GOODS STORED 6-0453 ALL KINDS HAULING and Moving Prices reasonable. Quick service. 7-1252-M. 8 Painting and Papering WALLPAPER Complete line at reduced prices.

Reliable paperbangers recommended. PHILLIPS AND QUARLES 409 Broadway Phone 6-4181 WHEN IN NEED of a reliable paperhanger, call WILLIAMS. Painters' Headquarters. 504. Deaderick Street.

5-7751. WALLPAPER SALE All patterns. discount. 10,000 rolls. at 5c.

HARWELL WALLPAPER 421 Deaderick. 6-6909. BEWARE amateur paperhangers. Call PAUL MURPHY for guaranteed workmanshin. 5-1818.

CARPENTRY. painting wallpaper. screening. Reliable work. Call HARWELL.

8-1265 PAINTING Inside. outside. Also gutters cleaned. painted: A-1 references. 5-6948.

EMPLOYMENT 9 Help Wanted- -Female WHITE housekeeper, between 40-45. Stay on place. Board, salary. 3-5013-W. LICO DINING CAR.

3017 End. WANTED Waitress. Day Work. PIM- Help Wanted -Female WANTED Combination Ediphone operater and bookkeeper, Excellent position and good salary, Local firm. Write V-504, care Hanner and Tennessean, for Ape 188 pointment.

"LE 10 found COW. MRS. 10 MRS. RE 206 timi Apply with, BOYS SHOE SHORT WANT help DAY to Tenn. 605 ply TOR.

car. BER and 8-7151. PRINTER. ply BARBER ber COLORED encas. BARBER Jones.

WANTEDdairy WANTED ply for WANTED ERAL AN. ences, 12 eral cialties ing and penses 14 FLOOR work vate 7-5354-R. 6-6407 COLORED West 2 6-0498. 15 MALE. tially able 3-4432.

MAN. ment. would 15. 16 LADIES- tration cause filled tional lions years trainers cal Prepare Phone D. ANDREW shorthand, 127 31st Individual ter Any EARN ployment TY WANTEDCOLLEGE Tenn, YOU too.

home gin now. EARN ployir SHORTHAND, BUSINESS nation, 216 17 THE best birth NESS THE Commercial. HILL BETTER EMPLOYERS 306 STENOGRAPHER WANTED Must be able 10 use dicta. phone and be efficient typist. Write V-866, Banner and Ten- nessean.

FOR WANTED MILLINERY BALELADY Must be Experienced WISE'S Are serial GOODYEAR SERVICE YOUNO calculator preferred notice BEAUTY SALON Andre POUNO unmarried of former "I DOT -Three young Tennesseans, aware of the debt they owe their country, enlist in the Army Air Forces to become ground crew specialists. They are shown here taking their oath of allegiance at the Army Air Forces Combat Crew School, Smyrna, where they enlisted, taking advantage of the Air Force special recruiting campaign for aircraft mechanics and armorers, radio operators and radio mechanics. This special recruiting campaign permits qualified men, aged 18 to 44 inclusive, to enlist as specialists and select any post in the Southeast Area at which they desire to be stationed. Pictured above is 2nd Lt. Holmes T.

Bennett, recruiting officer for the Army Air Forces Combat Crew School, Smyrna, swearing (left to right) Willis H. Haynes, of Nashville; Albert H. Scott, Gallatin, and Richard G. Hankins of Sewanee, into the Arnly Air Forces. Young Haynes is the son of Willis H.

Haynes, Nashville banker. A few moments after they were sworn in the recruits left for Fort Oglehtorpe, where they will be processed, and returned to the Smyrna Air Base for basic training and assignment to school squadrons. Holston M. E. Group Shown Area's Largest Knoxville, Oct.

10-UP)Statistics released today revealed the Holston Methodist Conference continues the largest and wealthiest religious organization in the Tennessee Valley. A report to the 119th annual seesion shows the conference includes 132,868 resident local church members, an increase of 2,767 over the number reported at this time last year in the East Tennessee and Southwest Virginia territory, Total value of its propertychurch houses, parsonages, educational buildings, Investments, endowments, and the like--reaches the sum of $13,484,356. Of special significance was the Increase In membership, active only, which was in direct contrast to an alarming decline in Sunday and church schools enrollment and attendance, reported previously. More, busies. sessions.

were the order of the day for the conference as leaders expressed concern over the drop in attendance 1 at church and Sunday schools during the past year. A report yesterday disclosed decrease of 5,181 in Sunday school enrollment for the 1,067 churches in the conference and a drop of 6,217 in church school attendance. The conference accepted an invitation of the Central Methodist Church of Knoxville to hold its 120th annual session there next year. The present meeting is at Church Street Methodist Church. The conference board of lay activities held banquet last night with C.

C. Sherrod, conference lay leader, presiding. Stock Market WHAT STOCKS DID New York. Oct. 10-4P- Sat Fri.

Advances 325 403 Declines 129 235 Unchanged 203 Total Issues 657 866 New York, Oct. 10 (P)-Rails led a late rally in today's stock market with many industrials, exhibiting considerable fatigue in the early part, of the session, joining the forward swing. The list was notably, irregular until near the last when enough short covering and new buying came to put favorites up fractions to 3 or more points, many to peak levels for the year or longer. While scattered leaders failed to make the grade, plus marks predominated at the close. Volume picked up near the finish, with low-priced shares as well as pivotals coming out in large blocks.

Transfers for the two hours were in the neighborhood of 500,000 shares. Fire Destroys Tow Boat on River Fire of undetermined origin destroyed a tow boat on the Cumberland River yesterday afternoon, after causing the vessel to be set adrift. No one was injured in an explosion which occurred on one of attached barges, both partly filled with gasoline. Two other barges were threatened when the burning tow boat drifted acrossstream. The damage was unestimated.

Engine Companies Nos. 11 and 13, under direction 'of Battalion Chief B. S. Mattingly answered the call. Markets at a Glance New York.

Oct. 10-(P)- Stocks -Firm: rails lead late rally. Bonds Irregular: most rails show strength. Cotton- Quiet: trade price fixing and Jocal buying. Stocks 455.800.

Bonds $7.132.000. Curb 78.675. Chicago: Wheat Lower: big crop estimates: flour business dull. Corn- -Lower: record harvest in sight: hog ceiling, fears. Cattle- Nominally Hogs: Steady: quotable: top.

$15.65. Farmers Curb Market Lemons choice 6.00. Lemons fancy 8.50- Apples -bu 1.25 0 Peaches bu. 3.50 Carrots doz 600 75 White Onions. 50-lb.

bag 2.00 2.25 Onions vellow bag Ta 60 California Beans. lettuce per hamper' 5.75 6.00 Green 1.75 Peppers. hamper 1.00 Yellow. Squash. hamper 3.00 2.50 Mich.

Riball dos. Radishes, dos. bunches 350 Beets dos. bunches 450 Cobblers 3.25 000D COLORED MAID 804 par. WANTED SETTLED WOMAN Men.

each Furnished Bradford A Members New 'veR Rachance Adama Allied Amn Fan Power Also Can American Ama Am' Anaconda Alcatson ALL Coast Line Atlantic Refinine Aviation Balt Bendix Aviation Beth Borden Canadian Pat Chrysler Motors Consolidated Chesapeake Ohio Common Bou 9-32 Case Threshing Censolidated Edison Del Curtis Wright Douglas Aircraft Pont 124 Elec Pow de 1A Elec Bond Share General General Foods Orneral Motors General Goodsear International Harvester Paper Intl A Ken Copper Lis My Lorillard Motors Martin. Glenn L. McKesson pid Mont Ward Nash Motors Natl Rec Li Amer Avia No Amer Packard Mot Pennarivania Pet. Radio Corp Sears- Roebuck Socony Vacuum Studebaker Southern Southern RY of Indian 5 0 New Swift Corp Texas Sul Texas 334 -U- Union United Aircraft Union 8 United Rubber Carbide Gas Imp 3 8 Steel 50 Warner Pictures 76 76 Westing Woolworth Livestock CHICAGO LIVESTOCK Oct. Chicago.

Salable cattle 500: calves 100: compared Friday last week: Fed steers and yearlings 25 higher, generally active on strictly good and choice offerings: top 17.00. paid for several loads medium weight and weighty steers. next highest price 16.90, with light steers uD 16.85 and yearlings 16.65; mostly 14.004r 16.25 market with only limited supply common and medium grades at 11.00 13.50, cattle in latter price range got replacement competition at strong to 25 higher prices: heifers steady to strong. instances 25 higher on strictly choice kinds. best 15.90.

bulk 13.00 .00 15.00: cows very uneven. with weight at distinct premium: good grade cows 50 higher. colored grassers to 12.65, numerous loads 11.5041 12.50: all other grades 50 lower: practical late top on weighty cutters 8.50. while sizable supply licht canners sold at 6.50 down: bulls strong to 25 higher. weighty sausage offerings to 12.40: vealers firm at 15.50 down.

Salable sheep none: total 8.000: late Friday; All classes steady: and bulk native lambs 13.75: good Montanas 13.35: cull to low-medium yearlings 10.25: most ewes 5.50%7.75. top Wyomings 5.90: 69 lbs. Montana lambs 13.00. Compared Friday last week: 50 Fat and 40-50 lower. many yearlings down: late top and late bulk good to choice slaughter natives 13.75.

week's trade mostly at 13.754714.10. best early 14.20 and 14.35: week's best western 79 lbs. Colorados Monday. 14.50: late sales 81-93 lbs. Montanas 13.25413.75: yearlings late 6.00@11.85.

top early 12.75: medium to choice slaughter ewes 5.50 5.75. late top 121 lbs. choice Wyomings 5.90: bulk feeding lambs 13.00 down. CINCINNATI LIVESTOCK CINCINNATI LIVESTOCK Cincinnati. Oct.

10-(P)-(USDA)-HORS salable supply 500. total receipts 900: 15.25 for good and choice 200-260 260-280 lbs. 15.20: 280-300 lbs. 15.15: 160- 180 lbs. 15.15: 180-200 lbs.

15.20: weights under 160 lbs. 14.75 down: sows 14.25 down. Cattle salable 300. total 600: calves 50. Sheep 50.

Bank Trust Stocks New York. Oct. 10-(P)- Bid Asked Bk of Am NTS (SF: (2.40) Bank of Man 1.80a) 16 Bank 295. 305 Bankers Tr (1,40) Bklyn Tr. (4) 61.

65 Cen Han Bk Tr (4) Chase Nat (1.40) Chem Bk Tr (1.80) Commercial (8) 162 170 ACont Tr (.80) 11 Ex. Bk (.240) "Empire Tr (3) First Nat (Bos) (2) First Natl (80) 1250 1280 Guaranty Tr 12) 250 255 Irving Tr 1.60) County (80) 1125 1175 Lawyers Trust 11) 24 27 Manufacturers Tr (2) Manufacturers Tr pf. (2) Natl Citv (1) Trust 703 Public. 28 Title Foreign Exchange New York. Oct.

10-(P) -Late foreign exchange rates follow (Great Britain in dollars. others in cents): Canada: Official Canadian Control Board rates for United States dollars: Buying 10 per cent premium. selling 11 per cent premium. equivalent to discounts on Canadian dollars in New York of buving 9.91 per cent. selling 9.09 per cent.

Canadian in New York open market 12 15-16 per cent discount or 87.06¼ United States cents. Europe: Great Britain official. (Bankers Foreign Exchange Committee rates) ing $4.02. selling $4.04 open market: cables $4.04 Latin America: Argentina, official 29.77: free 75. down 3-100, cent: Brazil 6.

A50 Mexico 20.66n. Rates spot cables unless otherwise indicated nominal. NAVAL 'STORES Jacksonville. Oct. 10-4P-Turpentine receipts 49: shipments none: stocks 16.407.

Rosin receipts 231: shipments 300: I stocks 162.268. WANTED health Are SETTLED WHITE WOMAN. for on Reward. RESTAURANT WORKER 11 to excellent YOUNG pleasing personality permacent hich bich Amn Long Distance Telephone Priority Set Washington, Oct. 10-UP)-Priorities three ratings--invade the field of long distance telephone call November 1 with the Number One spot going to communications atfecting the war effort and public security.

The Board of War Communica- tions informed telephone companies yesterday that after this month calla in the first classification have the right-of-way over all others even it necessary to interrupt conversations in progress. The board assigned Number One priority to arrangements for moving armed forces during combat. urgent orders to armed forces, dangers the enemy's presence, and to calls relating to flood, earthquake, hurricane or other disaster affecting the, war, effort. oF, public. security.

All other types of calls requiring "immediate completion for the national defense and security, successful conduct of the or safeguarding of life and property, were given Number Two rating. The third priority number goes to calls relating "important governmental functions," war industries, civilian defense, or public safety and health. Those who may use the priorities are public and semipublic agencies, officers of the armed forces, embassies, civilian defense groups, Red Cross, Home Guards, essential Industries and "essential services such as communications, transportation, power, water, fuel, press associations, newspapers, and health and sanitation services." General civilian calls weren't classified in the BWC order. Charles Pearson, district manager of the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company here, said that his office had not as yet received full details concerning the operation of the priorities order and that he was unable to comment at this time on the procedure which will be involved in putting through such -a priority call. He said, however, that the order will probably serve to reduce delays which have been unavoidable in long distance calls to certain places.

The general public, he added, "has responded to our request that they refrain from making nonessential calls and their. co- 6 operation has certainly kept us from having a situation arise which we could not have handled." Dickson Legion Auxiliary Installs Dickson, Oct. 10-(Special) -At the annual membership lunchof the American Legion Auxillary held in the dining room War Memorial Building here, the newly elected officers were installed and introduced. They include: Mrs. H.

P. Spencer, president; Mrs. Hubert Ray, first vice-president; Mrs. Wylie Russell, Moore, secretary; Mrs. Woolsey second vice Mrs.

J. Max Thompson, treasurer; Mrs. W. L. Weakley, chaplain, and Mrs.

W. B. Saeger, sergeant-at-arms. Remarks from a number of past presidents of the unit, in which they pledged all-out support to the incoming president, featured the program. The tables were arranged in the form of a the victory symbol, and the placards were decorated with miniature American Flags.

The central decoration for each table was bowls of fall garden flowers. The officers were hostesses at the luncheon. Assisting them were Mrs. Norman Brown, Mrs. Henry Seay, Jean and Misses Weakley Jane and Edna Duncan, Ray AlBaker.

Answers to Banner Quis Below are the answers to test questions printed on the Woman's Page. 1. Hara-kiri, 2. True. 3.

True. 4. Thomas Jonathan Jackson. 5. Resistance.

6. The Secretary of State. 7. Protestant Episcopal. 8.

Sam Rayburn. 9. France. 10. Africa, ite SETTLED WHITE place.

small salary. References. HOUS RHAKEN STEAK reliable IN Are wanted. COLORED ME presser. BROADa WAY Second and WHITE WOMAN- Cook.

general References WANTED Youne girl or Columbia Help Wanted--Male Retreaders and Vulcanizers COLORED AND WHITE Needed at once. Experience not but 0ood DaY and bows. ence GOODYEAR SERVICE 10th and West End BOOKKEEPER -Not over 10 years ald. possibility of deferred draft fication because of dependents. Oire names of former emplovera, ence.

classification and phone number. Greyhound BOTTLER and plant superintendent: should be familiar with 40-spout Cem and Meyer Demore: sober and draft exempt: Food salary. 3-054. Tennessean. BRIG.

GEN. WEEMS Lockheed No George Weems Promoted to Brig. General Clarksville, Oct. 10- (Special) Col. George.

Hatton Weems, member of a family distinguished for its contributions to the United States armed forces, and now an instructor in the infantry school at Fort Benning, has been promoted to the rank of brigadier general, to information received relatives according, here. A native of Southside in Montgomery County, Weems is one of 12 members of the Weems family of Montgomery and Dickson Counties serving in the service of the United States. He recently was decorated withy the Haitian "Honour ea Merite" medal, which was given General Weems when, he left the Caribbean island in June, 1941, but been kept in the archives of the State Department in Washington, awaiting an act of Congress to permit him to accept it. He was decorated four times for bravery during the First World War and one of the awards was the Distinguished Service Cross. His nephew, Lt.

Thomas Weems of Model, received the Distinguished Service Cross for his participation in the recent Midway Island action. Beginning his military career in the Army upon graduation from West Point in 1917, General Weems has been in active service since. General Weems spent his early life in' Southside community. He is a cousin of Judge John T. Cunningham, Mrs.

I. D. Abernathy, Mrs. I. M.

Simpson, Mrs. H. A. Nesbitt, E. C.

Cunningham and Sam Weems, all of this community, and is a brother of Comdr. Philip Van Horn Weems, United States Navy, retired, and Mrs. Violet Slayden of Waverly. Allen Thomas Richardson Funeral services for Allen Thomas Richardson, 32, who died of a heart attack Friday afternoon, were held this afternoon at the residence, 1042 Third Avenue, South. Burial was in Spring Hill Cemetery Stricken about 1 o'clock, Mr.

Richardson was taken to General Hospital, where he was pronounced dead upon arrival. A driver for the Yellow Cab Company, he was formerly employed by the Central Van and Storage Company. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Daisy Logan Richardson; three daughters, Louise Richardson, Racine Richardson, and Wanda- Sue Richardson; a son, Bobbie Lee Richardson, all of Nashville; his father, L. L.

Richardson Lawrenceburg; a sister, Mrs. Ruby Martin of Nashville; two brothers, Clyde Richardson, also of Lawrenceburg, and George Richardson of Smithville. Named Junior Hostess Clarksville, Oct. 10-(Spe-Miss Mary Frances Brown, Gallatin, has arrived at Camp. Campbell; to assume her duttes as junior hostess of Service Club No.

2. Miss Brown is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. L.

Brown of Gallatin. formerly employed as physical education instructor in Gallatin High School, and graduate of Tennessee State College at Murfreesboro. carrY paper route. earn your own spending money while going to school. Must be 14 years old.

Apply Bub Stan tion. 1918 Division. 3:30 10 4 REPAIRMEN Steady Jobs for good workmen willing to locate in Missouri Illinois. Towa, Indiana. Shoe Repair.

2525 N. Grand, 8t. Louis, Mo, ORDER sandwich cook at once. Good on Reference. Call HENRY'8 DINNER CLUB MAN to work in, stockroom and handle freight.

wholesale dry goods. Answer own handwriting. V-871 Ban- WANTED- Front man or druzeist. Will excellent salary if sober and willing work. 6-7618 Experienced presser.

good DaY. BALLARD CLEANERS. Manchester. Pullman Brands WANTED Experienced counter man. TINY TIM.

3009 West End. No phone calls EXPERIENCED INSTALLMENT COLLECfor Hopkinsville, Ky. Must Dave Apply ALABAMA NOVELTY HOUSE. FIRST CLASS Carpenters or Cabinet Makers. Apply in person, JACOBS 1806 Cedar Street.

COLORED BOYS wanted for curb boys waiters. Health cards. HARWELL'8 PLACE. Bordeaux. 6-6909.

WANTED- -Reliable barber to manace shop, ANDERSON BARBER SHOP 2-9290. 1300 Gallatin Rond, SHORT ORDER COOKS. APPLY TULANE COFFEE SHOP. EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR AND HOUSEMAN. References required.

Call Permanent employment. ApR. R. Sanders, 1003 Russell St, WANTED- Apply Broadway BarShop. 400 Broad Street.

MAN to live on place. refer2403 GARLAND AVE. at once. per week. 14 Arcade.

-Married man to work on farm, Phone 2-6076. Shine boy in barber shop. Ap2207 Elliston Place. EXPERIENCED single white man or boy. dairy work, 3-1315.

Experienced mechanic. CAB 212 10th Ave. So. experienced house man with good room, liberal pay. 8-6893.

Salesmen-Salesladies WANTED-Man to travel Alabama, Middie Tennessee and West Florida in with sevlines of furniture. also line of speand novelties for variety, drug. stores. Reply in own handwritgiving age. experience.

references average compensation above expected. V-452. care BannerTennessean. Positions Wanted- Female LADY or instructor. dress Banner- and shirts.

State salary, J-1056. Tennessean. EXPERIENCED colored cook. maiti. home; uptown.

No Sundays, RECEPTIONIST. General office work. CONSTANCE RICK. LADY wants day work. Good End reference.

6-4535. COLORED girls want work of any kind. Reference. Positions Wanted- -Male 23 years. 4-P Classification.

sighted desires employment. immediately. Will leave city. 39. draft exempt.

Office sales. collection experience. like change by November J-952 Banner Instruction Every door of opportunity In Arts. Sciences and Business adminisare now wide open to you, beof the war, men's places must be and by "whom but you? InternaCorrespondence Schools have milinvested in their courses and fifty successful background as career from abacus to zymurgy. Looffice 66 Arcade.

Phone 8-8466. C. P. A. Training at Night for big opportunities.

7-0285 SHORT, CPA JACKSON UNIVERSITY INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTIONS in typing. comptometry; day, night. MRS. H. A.

HOLDER Ave, N. 7-1694, UNPRECEDENTED demand for graduates. advancement methods. time. Draughon's College.

while you learn beauty culture: emguaranteed. NASHVILLE BEAUSCHOOL. 206 Jackson Bids 5-9154, Students. CANTRELL BARBER 327 Cedar St. Nashville.

can learn ENGINEERING. by -study. 400 C. S. Courses, E.

B. MESSER. 7-1644, while you learn beauty culture: ent guaranteed. Althas Beauty CulCollege. Capitol Blvd, 6-9247, or Typewriting In 30.

daze Maxwelt House 5-2112. COURSE. Work for part of tulMaxwell House. Employment Bureaus place to get a job We get certificates WHITLEY'S BUST. SERVICE.

204 Vendome Building, BEST POSITIONS SINCE 1951 sales. technical, domestle EMPLOYMENT BUREAU JOBS Better Salaries, PERSONNEL SERVICE Third National Bank Bids. 45:.

Nashville Banner from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)
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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.