The Palm Beach Post from West Palm Beach, Florida (2024)

Page 18 THE PALM BEACH POST, Wednesday, Oct. 5. 1955 ARYLAND TAKES WIDE LEA GRID 0 Lil The Reel Story For Real Sportsmen With Rod And Gun Irish Place 5th, Local Gymnasts Enter South Florida Meet Composite Box Trojans Ready For L's Came Irish By Two Over Miami? Hurricanes No. 15 Br Thi, Assiirmrn BIIOOKI.VN DlinOKRS The -American Youth Athletic Association gymnastic team of this API JR JR HFt KM Bb SO AV. milium.

If. 5h 7 .212 city will enter the AAU meet at Reess. ts Naples Nov. 26 In competition for Sillcler. rf I I 3 3 I 1 the South Florida championship.

Campsntlls, By The Associated Press Maryland, well out in front In the national football ratings after only three games, faces a real battle from here on. It Isn't the Furiuo, ri Believed to be the first local LAKE WORTH Only rugged drill of the short-work week was held Tuesday by Lake Worth High's Trojans in preparation for Thursday's game here against By United Press Notre Dame was rated today only a two-point favorite over once-beaten Miami of Florida in the big Intersection al game Friday night that opens a big week gymnastic team to participate in an AAU meet, its members will compete in girls' junior and senior HndMS. lh J. Robinson. Sb k-Zlmmir, 2 m-Shuba Amoros.

If. cf Newrnmbe. Bessfnt. battle to win games that troubles Jim Tatum's mighty Terrapins, but one to avoid being forgotten. tumbling, trampoline, side horse Fort Lauderdale.

end of college football. By ED BUCKOW Poat Staff Writer No one but die-hard artificial lure anglers will deny that bait fishing for bluefish with light tackle and a floating line is high up on the list of small game fishing sport. Taking the scrappy blues on top water plugs is even more gratifying, but at the present time the most consistant blue-fishing can be enjoyed by anchoring in Lake Worth and tossing chunk of bait out Into the water. Currently, fair to sizable catches of blues are being; made on the lake flats south and east ef the Sallfish Club, Palm Beach. And the fish are running In the two and three Bound category some larger.

2 7 4 1 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n-u. fihti.a Mh mm vaulting, balance beam, calisthen- jinB niver nn rh ininrerf list .296 .29 .232 .192 .222 .000 .333 .110 .000 .313 .333 .000 .000 .000 143 .000 lao himself at the small east span of the Riviera causeway yesterday when he had a fish cut his nylon leader and take off with his only white feather. On a hunch, Joe made a quick trip to a nearby tackle shop, fixed up a wire leader and a feather and headed back to the bridge. He landed thee mackerel in quick succession. If you don't think the year has flown, take note of this.

Dove season opens in the state Saturday, and officials of the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission say shooting prospects appear to be good in South Florida. The first half of the split season will run through Oct. 23, with the second half starting Dec. 3 and lasting through Dec. 31.

Possession and daily bag b-KHlert The Terns have finished the Bend, will Journey to Miami Parallel bars, swinging rings were released for action Tuesday, for this clash and bring with them and. team and bov. Junlor but Coach Peter Barker said none an unbeaten record with victories senior tumbling, trampoline, them nave nad enough worlt t0 toughest part of their schedule Missouri, UCLA and Baylor in a gratifying fashion. From now c-Hoak. lb 1 0 Labine.

4 4 0 Loes. 110 Spooner. 2 0 0 Podres. 2 7 1 Erskint. 110 Craig, 10 0 Mever.

12 0 Roebuck, 10 0 tneniCS, parallel DarS ana Still ho in onnriltlnn mnxh ntmn over Southern Methodist and lnai on they play mostly in tneir ana and a 10-game winning streak. 3D TOTALS 1 It 31 11 own Atlantic Coast conference with two outside games that apparently don't pose any serious problems. And in the ACC, still VOI1K YANKEES sew GABRH2B3BHR RBI SO B.AV. PO A AV. 5 0 1.000 IS 28 1 .974 13 0 6 1.000 42 3 1 97S i 0 6 74 4 0 1.000 4 18 2 .917 4 I .857 0 0 0 .000 9 2 0 l.OOO 0 10 1000 0 10 1.000 0 0 0 .000 1 10 1000 0 SO 1.000 0 0 0 000 0 1 0 1.000 0 3 0 l.OOO 0 10 l.OOO 0 10 1.000 10 2 0 0 1.000 180 S3 .618 PO A F.AV.

7 0 0 1.0O0 10 0 0 1.000 6 IS 1 .950 IS 0 0 1.000 40 4 0 1.000 4 0 0 1.000 27 3 0 1.000 22 I 1 .962 11 1 0 1.000 17 20 0 1 000 13 14 0 l.OOO 5 0 0 1.000 2 SO 1000 0 0 0 .000 1 4 0 1 000 1 10 1000 .0 2 6 1000 0 10 1000 0 0 0 .000 0 10 1.000 0 6 6 .000 0 10 1000 0 10 1.000 180 I .932 Miami lost its opening game to high-rated Georgia Tech, 14-6, before bouncing back to rout Florida State. In three other big games on Friday night, SMU is a 14-polnt choice to score its first victory at the 3 1 so young that there no round-robin schedule or official championship, Maryland doesn't meet its 1 2 2 7 0 1 5 10 1 2 most important rival, Duke. rings. Trophies, medals and rib- Thursday. Trojan scouts reported bons will be awarded.

that Lauderdale is the best team The team has been trained by(tney have seen this season, and the West Palm Beach Recreation light, are fast and ag-Department. Others shing to be gresnivt. The Flying L's just trained for future events are asked hitting the top 10 lst ln to contact Ben York, city recre. the statewide prep grid poll this ation superintendent, or Budd Wat- wee son, coach at the Elks Youth Cen-j Th(; Tuesd dril, was ter at 53rd and Spruce, Thursday lo tacUlingt and wlnd and Friday from 6 to 9:30 p.m., or Saturday from 2 to 9:30 In November, the boys and PJ ir ft I will present a circus, sponsored by "6 flX Itl IUICK the AYAA, an organization of their TW A DAfllfi I parents, and Porter Raulerson Post HHU ilMUIII i of VFW, in an effort to raise money Cs.s to defray expenses for meets. ilSPalr ft C6mC8 I e-Bauer, rf i-Cerv.

ct. It McDoufald, 3b Norm, cl. It Berra. n-Manile. 1-Colllns.

lb. rf h-Skowron. lb Howard, If. rt Marlin. 2b Rizzuto.

ss a-E. Robinson, lb expense of Missouri, Houston is a six-point favorite over Detroit in a i 1 1 Missouri Valley Conference game, and UCLA, last year's national champion, is a solid 27-point favorite over Oregon State in a Pacific .125 .259 .063 .417 .200 .167 .333 .192 .320 .637 .000 .000 .000 .000 .167 .000 .000 .000 .500 .000 .000 d-J. Coleman. Carroll 2 Coast Conference game. 2 rord.

Grim, There will be three "regional" i-Byrne. Turley, Morgan, Meanwhile, Michigan, a solid second in this week's Associated Press poll of sports writers and broadcasters, takes on sixth-rated Army Saturday then plunges into the Big Ten title race, where every game is a tough one and each victory makes a big impression. So far, Maryland has been sufficiently impressive that the Terps garnered 88 of 185 first place votes and a total of 1,568 points to Michigan's 27 firsts and 1,223 points. Oklahoma, with 13 firsts and 1,146 points, edged out Georgia Tech for third place with Notre Army, UCLA, Texas telecasts of games this Saturday, Instead of one game telecast to the 2 2 Dflv Nieht Day a Night limit both are eight birds, and hunting is allowed daily from noon until sunset. Capt.

Bob Haines, who recently returned from a fishing trip to Havana, Cuba, says the commercial marlin fishermen take a great many more blue marlin there than the sportsfishermen. The marlin sell wholesale in the market for 35 cents a pound and are in far greater demand as a food than broadbills. The commercial men take the marlin fishing deep with hand lines. The only blue taken off Havana during the week Bob was there was whipped from his boat by J. B.

Haynes. It was a 134-pounder that was foul hooked in the anal fin on the fish's rear underside. f-Carey 2 Sturdivant, 2 Larsen, 1 R. Coleman, 1 .000 7 ZM til S3 TOTALS Martin was out attempting to steal home In 6th rro toacn inea PHILADELPHIA, Ml Walter Kiesllng, coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers in the National Football League, Tuesday was fined $500, heaviest fine in league history for his behavior toward officials during and after the Steelers-Los Angeles Rams game last Sunday. 3-5741 entire nation.

In the East, Holy Cross and Colgate are rated even money; in the Midwest, Wisconsin is a seven point favorite over Purdue; and in the West, Colorado is a seven-point favorite over Oregon. Here's how the odds-men figure some of the other leading games: SOUTH Georgia six over North Carolina; Auburn seven over Kentucky; Mississippi seven over Van-derbilt; Mississippi State seven over 1 a Florida 14 over George Washington; Duke 19 over William Mary; Maryland 21 over Wake Forest; Georgia Tech 10 over LSU. 2 West Palm Beach Riviera Christian, Wisconsin and Southern California completing the top ten. Like Maryland, Oklahoma Sooner's will be hard pressed to mums ot first same, hit by pitch for Rizzuto In 4th Inning ol second game, tingled for Kucks In 8th Inning ot fourth game. Singled for Bessent In Slh Inning of flrtt game, hit Into double play for Bessent in Sth Inning ot second game, popped out lor Meyer In 7th Inning of sixth game.

Ran for Kellert In Sth Inning of first game, walked for Spooner In Sth inning ef second game. Ran for E. Robinson In 4th Inning of second game. I Filed out for Morgan in Sth Inning of third game. Tripled for Kucks in 7th Inning of third game, grounded out for J.

Coleman In 9th Inning of fifth game. Ran for Robinson In Sth Inning of fourth game, ran for Robinson in Sth Inning of fifth game. Filed out tor Morgan In Sth Inning of fourth game, fouled out for Ruszuto in 4th Inning of fifth game. I Homered for Grim In 7th inning of fifth game. Grounded out tor Turley In 9th Inning of fifth game.

Struck out lor Snider In 4th Inning of sixth game. Walked lor Skowron In Sth Inning of sixth game. Grounded out for Zlmmer in 6th inning of seventh game. Popped out tor Grim in 7th Inning of seventh game. PITCHING SI-MMARY BnoOKI.VN DODGERS remain in the spotlight.

They play Texas, always a rugged oppon-nent at Dallas Saturday. Then they plunge into Big Seven competition, which they have domi During the day, the colored water of the outgoing tide Is producing the hottest action for the bait anglers, and they are also getting them consistently at night on the incoming tide. Mel Martens is one fisherman who has been hauling blues aboard each day, and Jimmy Darr has had success fishing with cut bait both day and night. Tuesday, Martens landed 18. Night fishermen are coming in to the Riviera Docks each night with catches averaging 10 to IS fish.

Unless a fisherman Is after plenty of poundage, the lighter the tackle used, the greater the sport In bait fishing for the blues. If you are fishing on the flats, a sinker is seldom needed, and an average rig consists of a three-foot wire leader and a 6'0 or 70 hook with a generous chunk of bait. For bait, many anglers use eut mullet, but mackerel is hard to beat, and fresh goggle eve, if you can get it, is a terrific bait. Ladyfish, senet, bonlto, ribbon fish and even shark is sometimes used. But no matter what bait you use, if it is fresh you will get bigger catches.

Small boatmen, mostly the lake pros, continue to score during early morning. Conrad Whitcomb boated 13 yesterday; Mickey McBroom got 15. Tony Accetta landed a mess of them again on his Jiget eels, and Richard and J. D. Harris took eight blues and six croakers on bait.

There has been no word of anglers trying for the blues in the lake on surface plugs at daylight. But it might be worth a try. Joe Byron was almost by LAKE WORTH TV-SERVICEMEN'S ASSN. The following members are In good standing and pledge expert honest eerTlce at reaeoaable rates. LYMAN'S RADIO, TV SERVICE Phone 2-4572 Night 5245 nated so completely that mere Irish, 'Canes Still Count In jured Stars sdttth BSND.

W- Coach winning doesn't seem to mean much. Right behind Oklahoma, Georgia CUSTOM Ph. 2-3331 ELECTRONICS L.W. Bd. at Trail Stan Baumgartner Dies At Age 61 PHILADELPHIA, im Stan Baumgartner, veteran baseball writer for the Philadelphia Inquirer, died at his home Tuesday after Tech will be playing in the big time Southeastern Conference and for Natre Dame each game is an event of national importance.

Terry Brennan continued to polish Notre Dame's aerial game Tuesday as the Irish intensified preparations for their Friday night encounter with the University of Mi CG IP BB SO HB WP PAT'S TV SERVICE Ph. 2-4990 409 N. Dixie Of course, an upset defeat for Neweombe 1 Bessent Labine 4 Loes 1 Spooner 2 Sl'NCOAST ELECTRONICS Ph. 2-3655 11 N. St.

ami. one of the leaders could change A traveling sauad of 38 will 5 23 3 15 9 13 3 23 313 18 3 5 23 2 SO Podres HAROLD L. Ph. 2-3210 DEAL 2-4222 named for the trip to the Orange I ed to OWo state A week WOMERSLF.T 813 N. Dixie Bowl engagement.

The Irish will leave Thursday and arrive in time Erskine Craig Meyer Roebuck Totals for a night drill. TV SERVICE Ph. 2-4414 Night 2-1 19S ELDER AND ELDER Ph. 6731 408 2nd Ave. N.

Trainers Gene Paszkiet still car a long illness. The 61-year-old former major league pitcher had been covering the Philadelphia Phillies National League games for the Inquirer since 1930. Born in Houston, Baumgartner starred in baseball, football and basketball at the University of Chicago. Pet. Eft ERA 1 .000 9.00 0 .000 0 000 0 1.000 8 '3 00 1 .000 4 9 00 1 .000 5 15.00 0 1.000 2 1.00 0 .000 3 9 00 0 l.OOO 2 3.00 0 .000 0 0 00 0 .000 0 0 00 3 .571 25 3.39 Pet ER ERA 0 1.000 4 2.12 1 .000 4 4.00 1 .500 3 1.95 1 .000 5 9.00 0 000 2 4.50 0 .000 2 600 0 .000 2 6.00 1 .000 5 11.25 0 .000 1 9.00 4 .429 28 4.20 NEW YORK YANKEES CG IP BB SO HB WP ries Tackles Wayne Edmonds and Ray Lemek, End Gene Kapish, Halfback Paul Reynolds and Guard 17 2 1 13 PHILCO rord Grim John McMullen on the injury list.

PARTS TUBES ago last seasons Big Ten and Rose Bowl champions were Tasked eighth. They blew a (W) decision to lightly regarded Stanford and received just five points in this week's voting. Oklahoma registered the big gain this week, advancing from fifth place to third on the strength of a 26-14 victory over well-liked Pitt and shoving Tech and Notre Dame down a notch. Wisconsin, an impressive 37-14 winner over Iowa, moved up to replace Ohio State in the top ten and TCU advanced from tenth to 6 8 10 1 1 2 4 5 8 0 1 0 4 8 8 0 0 1 5 4 7 1 0 0 2 3 1 0 0 0 2 110 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 5 2 2 0 0 0 10 10 0 0 8 23 14 13 513 3 23 3 3 4 1 Fullback Chuck Lima, however, has reported for full duty. He has yet to see action.

Bvrne 2 Turlev 3 Morgan 2 Kucks 2 Sturdivant 2 Larsen 1 R. Coleman 1 Totals 7 CLOCK POST-TIMES RADIO MIAMI, Coach Andy Gus- 31 33 38 2 2 VYIRK s0 WEAT WJKO WWPQ A3B4C 1230 CBS FM CHAN. 91.9 a.m. -12 p.m. Composite score by Innings: tafson said Tuesday his University of Miami football team would play its "best game of the season WEDNESDAY MORNING asaiua, nunc lvalue uu, players are still on the ailing list eiehth Place after whipping Arkan- 00 Yardblrd 15 Yardblrd 30 Yardblrd 45 Yardblrd 6 sas 26-0.

Eye Opener 00 Yardblrd 15 Yardblrd 30 News Yardblrd 45 Yardblrd Brltton'g Belfry Brltton Belfry Brltton'g Belfry Brlttons Belfry News-Belfry Britton's Belfry News-Belfry Swap and Shop World News Roundup Weather-Belfrv Britton's Belfry Brltton'i Belfry and nobody knows whether they will be able to start. Capt. Whitey Rouviere, right halfback, and Paul Hefti, fullback, were crippled in practice earlier this week. Rouvier has a pulled Brooklyn (N) 263 8J1 33031 New York (A) 651 704 21026 SB J. Robinson.

Rizzuto 2. Collins. Gilliam. Podres. Howard.

Reese. Craig. Hodges, Snider. Campanella. SF Zlmmer, Hodges.

DP Zimmer and Hodgejt; Martin. Rlzzulo and Collins: Hodges. Reese and Hodges 2: Campanella and Zimmer; Zimmer, Reese and Hodges; Hodges and Reese; Coleman. Martin and Collins: Berra and Martin; Martin. Coleman and Collins; Reese, Gilliam and Hodges; J.

Robinson. Gilliam and Hodges 2: Gilliam, Reese and Hodges; Martin and E. Robinson; J. Coleman. Martin and E.

Robinson: McDougald. Martin and Skowron; J. Robinson and Hodges; Amoros. Reese and Hodges. Lett Brooklyn (N) 55.

New York (A) 41. HBP By Loes (Berra, E. Robinson), by Turley (Amo. ros), by Ford (Furlllo). Summers (A), Ballanfant (N), Honochlck (A).

Das-coll (N), Flaherty (A), Donatelll (N). 2:31 (first game), 2:28 (second game), 2:20 (third game). 2:57 (fourth game). 2:40 (fifth game), 2:34 (sixth game), 2:44 (seventh game). A 63.869 (first game).

64,707 (second game). 34.209 (third game). 36.242 (fourth game). 36.796 (fifth game). 64.022 (sixth game).

62.465 (seventh game). Receipts (net) $412,232.15 (first game). J413.469.03 (second game). 37 (third game), $232,826.08 (fourth game). $234,848.18 (fifth game).

(sixth game), $407,549.81 (seventh game). Michael Keyes Michael Keyes News Michael Keyes WJNO, Local Newg Michael Keyes News Weather Calendar Michael Keyes Devotions H'dl'nes. Weather, Spts. 1340 Music Club Local News-Town Talk 1340 Music Club News. Weather, Science 1310 Music Club News Devotions 1340 Music Club In addition to the Michigan Army' game, Notre Dame plays Miami Friday night in a game for which Miami has been pointing for at least a year, and Wisconsin faces troublesome Purdue.

The leading teams with first place votes and won-lost records In parentheses (points on 10-9-S-7-6-5-4-S-2-1 basis). jLOANS? SAVING! Save up to S24M on a $300 Loan i PLUS. INSURANCE I AT NO EXTRA COST I Now at Tkumnl you can i get up to $300 and pay lesl than the maximum charge al- lowed by law. Save up to $24 60 on $300 loan for 20 months. PLUS! Bill Consolidation Ser- vice which lets you reduce monthly payment! and clean up bills.

Write or come in today! 8 00 World. Local Newg 15 Weather 30 Trading Post-Blodgett 45 Sports-Coffee 7 8 9 muscle and Hem has a bruise. Trojan Jayvees i. Maryland (3-01 (88) 1568 9 00 Robert F. Hurlelgh 15 Easy Does It 30 Easy Does It 45 Easy Does It-Newt Newg-Junction James Junction James Junction Unity Viewpoint News of America Breakfast For Two Breakfast For Two Breakfast For Two Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Debut Tonight miemgan cz-ui 1123 3.

Oklahoma r2-0 03) ins 4. Georgia Tech (3 0) (9) 1108 5. Notre Dame (2-0) (4) lots 6. Army (2-0) (8) 898 7. UCLA (21) 51S 8.

Texas Christian (3 0) (5) 514 9. Wisconsin (2-0) (111 479 1Q 00 Easy Doeg It 15 Easy Does It 30 Newt Olsen Show 45 Johnny Olsen Show 10 McBrlde-Dr. N. V. PealeArthur Godfrey Right to Happiness Arthur Godfrey Jimmy Fldler Arthur Godfrey Musical Vignette NewsArthur Godfrey LAKE WORTH Lake Worth My True Story My True Story Whtspermg Streets When A Girl Marrleg High's Jayvees open a seven-game Strike It Rich leant $25 to $300 IsI 10.

Southern California (3-0) (3) 412 HFCONn TEX 11 00 Story Time 15 Story Time 30 Queen For A Day 45 Queen For A Day 11 Companion 1340 Lunch Club News 1340 Lunch Club Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey WJNO. Local Newg Music at Noon Day strike It Rich Phrase That Payg Fibber and Molly LW Kiwanis Holds Golf Meet Sunday LAKE WORTH The Lake Worth Kiwanis Club will hold its annual golf tournament Sunday, Oct. 9, at the Municipal Links. A blind bogey will be held and an award will be 11. West Virginia (2-0) (13) SO 12.

Navy (2-0 2S9 World Series Figures By The Associated Press FINAL STANDINr.S Fct. Brooklyn (NL) 4 3 ,971 New York (AL) 4 .429 First game, Yankee Stadium, Wednesday, Sept, 28: Brooklyn (NL) 10 0 New York (AL) 9 1 Keweomhe. Bessent Labine (8) and Campanells; Ford. Grim (9) and Berra. Ford.

Newcombe. is. UUKe (2-u (3) 176 14. Auburn (2-0) 66 schedule here tonight at meeting Pompano's JV squad on Russ Bullard Field. Coaches Charles Owen and Buck Folmer have been drilling the squad for more than a month, and announced this probable lineup: Larry Carhart, re; Roger Fitz- 15.

Miami (Fla.) (1-1) 61 16. Clemson (3-0) S5 WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, EVENING Noon Edition Wendy Warren Bible Study Combo Time Luncheon Melody Helen Trent Luncheon Melody Our Gal Sunday 12 17. Purdue (2-0) 26 18. Washineton (3-0) (1) 24 12 19. Kentucky (2-1) 22 zu.

btamord (2-1) 16 presented to the medalist which was won last year by Lloyd Cla-ger. There will also be hidden awards. 00 News-Tuneg 15 State and Local Newg 30 Yardblrd'g Farm 45 Yardblrd'g Farm 00 Frederick Foster 15 Clubtlme 30 Clubtlme 45 Clubtlme 00 Clubtlme 15 Clubtlme; 30 Clubtlme 45 Clubtlme News-Melody Luncheon Melody Bandstand Bandstand gibbons, rt; J. D. Lee, rg; Dale Bennett, Frank McGee, lg; Charles Smith, It; Tom Rowe, le; Jim Swan, qb; Dan Swan, fb; Gary Perkins or Gene Haynes, lhb; ef Palm Such 1 204 SO.

OLIVE STREET Ground Floor Harvey Building Phone: 2-3769 West Palm Beach Carroll Hulburt, YES MANager Open evenings phone for hours Uess mads te raiicinti ef ell furreunding towns Than- 0 Labine Berra. Second game, Yankee Stadium, day. Sept. 29: Brooklyn (NL) New York (AL) 4 Loes. Bessent (4), Spooner (5), (8) and Campenella; Byrne and Road of Life' Ma Perking Dr.

Malone Gudlng JLIght Daydream Passport Perry Mason Nora Drake Brighter Day Proceeds will go to the Kiwanis Cat Jayvees Play Gables 11 Today Palm Beach High's stars of to Underprivileged Child Fund. Chair 2 News-Bandstand Bandstand Bandstand Bandstand 2 News, Weather, Stocks 1340 Lunch Club 1340 Lunch Club 1340 Lunch Club I'aul Harvey 1340 Lunch Club 1340 Lunch Club 1340 Lunch Club 1340 LunchClub 1340 Lunch Club Martin Block Martin Block Martin Block Martin Block Martin Block Martln Block Tops In Pops Tops ln Pops Tops In Pops Tops In Pops Jerry Fernandez or Carl Schultze, rhb. Byrne. Loes. men are Eddie Joe Ewing and Dick Calder.

morrow, the Jawees, iaKe ine Third game, EbbeU Field, Friday, Sept 30: New York (AL) 1 0 News-Bandstand Bandstand Bandstand Bandstand House Party House Party Serenade ln Blue Words of Life 3 00 Clubtlme 15 Clubtlme 30 Clubtlme 45 Clubtlme 3 road again today, to meet Coral Gables' JV team at 3:30 at the Brooklyn (NL) 11 1 Turley, Morgan (I), Kucks 9), Sturdivant (7) and Berra; Podres and Campanella. Podres. Turley. News-Bandstand Music Box Bandstand Music Box Claude Rains News Music Box Pepper Youngi Family Music Box 00 Clubtlme 15 Clubtlme 30 Clubtlme 45 Clubtlme TV SERVICE PHONE LAKE WORTH 2-3210 Quick, Efficient, Reasonable DAY NIGHT Harold Womprslev 813 No. Dixie, Lake Worth Ehbete Field, Saturday, Fourth game.

Music Bnv Tops in Pnps Tops In Pops Employ Handicapped Woman In My House Traffic Jam Traffic Jam Trafilc Jam 00 Clubtlme 15 Clubtlme 30 Clubtlme 45 Clubtlme Dade County school's field. Coach Jim Palin says the Gables team figures to be the stiffest test for the local all-sophom*ore squad. The Cavalier JV's have beaten teams from Edison, 25-0, and Miami Jackson, 28-0. The Cats defeated Fort Lauderdale last week, 19-0. A traveling squad of 30 boys will leave the school here today at noon.

Offense lineup: Howard Shaw, ucc 1: New York (AL) ISO Brooklyn (NL) 14 0 Larsen, Rucks (S), Coleman (6), Morgan (7), Sturdivant (8) and Berra; Erskine, Bessent (4), Labine (6) and Campa-nella. Labine. Larsen. NOW OPEN GRAND BAHAMA CLUB (FORMERLY BCTLIN'S) WEST END, GRAND BAHAMA Excellent Fishing Good Food Spacious Accommodations Lovery Beaches Olde- English Bar Best Liquors German and English Beer OUt Shops Tennis Courts Badminton Table Tennis BUllards Boats FOR INFORMATION CONTACT M1DET AIRLINES BI'l AIRPORT WEST PALM BEACH, FLA. PHONE 1-0217 OR YOl TRAVEL AGENT SPECIAL (3 DAY 2 NIGHT) SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION $23.50 ACCOMMODATIONS HEALS EXTRA SEASONABLE PRICES ketRadleHlghrts Tops In Pops 5 6" Newscast Weather 00 World Local Newg Jam-Weather 15 L.W.

News Sportscope World News 30 Calendar Varieties Lone Ranger 45 Variety Time Lone Ranger Local News Flsh'n Tiller Sports Lowell Thomas Filth game. Ebbete Field, Sunday, Oct Local News-Weather Journal Stocks Bill Stern. Sports 1340DlnnerClub 1340 Dinner Club 1340 Dinner Club 1340 Dinner Club News Music In The Air Music In The Air Blng Crosby K. Murrow Alex Drier Keyboard Concert News of the World One Man's Family 7 00 Fulton Lewis 15 Spotlight on a Star 30 Gabriel Heatter 45 In The Mood 7 New York (AL) 3(0 Brooklyn (NX) SSI Grim, Turley (7) and Berra; Craig, Labine (7) and Campanella. Craig.

Grim. VII SALES-SERVICE I If Phone I II Lake Worth 2-3655 We Do good work here, at a profit if we can, at loss if we must. But always food work. SUNCOAST ELECTRONICS 11 N. Lake Worth Opposite Shnlllebosrds "nnt'orantinn My Son Jeep 0O Gang Busters 15 Gane Busters Conversation Johnny Dollar 1340 Dinner Club 1340 Dinner Club 1340 Dinner Club News 3 Avon Pinder, ends: Paul Hoffman, Gene Ebright, tackles; Gary Lee, Irwin Leffler, guards; Dave Pin-ney, Pressley Daniels, qb; Sam Bigbee, lhb; John Riggs, rhb; Buddy Piatt, fb.

Defense team includes Charles Warren, center; Duane West, Bob Lanier, lineback and halfback; Tom Valente, safety. Also slated for a lot of action are Jerry Browning and Dave Wells, Sixth tame. Yankee Stadium, Monday. Oct. 3: Brooklyn (NL) 14 1 New York (AL) 5 8 0 Spooner.

Meyer tt). Roebuck (7) and Campanella; Ford and Berra. Ford. Spooner. i News Music to Midnight Music to Midnight News College Quiz Bowl FIB, Peace and War College Quiz Bowl, News FBI, Peace and War Groucho Marx FIB, Peaceand War" Groucho Marx Jack Carson Truth or Consequences Amos 'N Andy Truth or Consequences Amos 'N Andy Tibber McGee Tenn.

Ernie-Charlie Bryan Tennessee Ernie. News Bryan Honey From Rocks H. Geer Music For You 30 County Music Time CountyMusic Tlme "bo County Music Time 15 County Music Time 30 County Music Time 45 County Music Time 00 Blue Dreamer 15 Blue Dreamer 30 Blue Dreamer 45 Blue Dreamer Seventh rame, Yankee Stadium Tuei day, Oct. 4: Podres and Campanella; Byrne. Grim (6 Turlev (i and Bern, tt' Pnrt Department is headed by Wlwifeyil1' renowned hydra-malic spe- IijJjylLfs clalist using special fac- I MMrjMI Byrne.

Blue Ribbon Bouts Blue Ribbon -Bouts Blue Ribbon Bouts Blus Ribbon Bouts Music to Midnight- Music to Midnight Music to Midnight News CES-Local News S'ciuT1230 Club 1230 Club News-Sports Music 'til Mldnlte Music 'til Mldnlte Music 'til Mldnlte 11 00 Blua Dreamer 15 Blue Dreamer 30 Blue Dreamer 45 Blue Dreamer 10 J1 12 flmiHCjofil News-Watchman Night Watchman Until 3 am 'Dem Bums Ain't' SPOKANE, OP The Chronicle, always straight and reserved in its 8-column headlines, broke precedent along with the Dodgers Tuesday and bannered across page one: "Dem Bums Finally Prove They CBS News 1230 Club 1230 Club 1230 Club 12 00 Dance Orchestra 15 Dance Orchestra SO Dance Orchestra 45 Sign Oft FINANCIAL FIGURES Seventh game finjres: Paid attendance 62,405. Met receipts S407.54u.81. Commissioner's share 61,132.47. Clubs' and leagues share S346.417.34, SKVF.N GAME TOTALS Paid attendance 362,310. Net rrcelnts S2.337.315.34.

Commissioner's share $356,627.30. Players' share (first four games only) Clubs' and leagues' share $1,3:12,034.45, WJNO-TV West Palm Beach Cnann.1 5 FOR QUALITY REPAIR Phone. 3-9798 3-9506 PRINTED PRICE LISTS SERVICE 10 'TIL 10 S17 FLAMINGO DR. 3:30 Pantry Party 7:00 Today 7:25 Fla. Report 7:30 Today 8:25 Fla.

Report 8:30 Today 9:00 Ding Dong School IIHflllllMriUlsM WJIVllkWnWvtVllMIK Cnonnel 17 IV 8ri5 Facets 8:30 Mayor of the Town 9:00 Boxing 9:45 Greatest Fights 10:00 Flshln's Fun 10:30 H'wood Half Hour 11:00 Sports Flnal-Mosher 11:30 Sign Off -V Wholesale Retail WITV Miami 3:45 Panorama 4:00 Bandstand 5:00 Mickey Mouse Club 6:00 News Bayer 6:45 Weather Bee 6:15 John Daly 6:30 Snorts Parade 11:45 The Guiding Light 7.00 Sunset Ranch 7:30 All-Amer. Football 8:00 Greatest Drams ELECTRONIC SERVICE CO. 4:00 Pinky i-ee 4:30 Howdy Doody 5:00 The Sheriff 6:15 Meet the Mayor 6:30 News Spotlight 8:45 Sports Spotlight 8:55 Weather Spotlight 7:00 The Christophers 7:15 Reel. Keel Rifle 7:30 Picture Parlor 8:00 Kraft TV Theatre 9:00 This Is Your Life 9.30 Midwest. Hayrlde 10:00 Johnny Carson 10 30 Five Star Final QUALITY 9:30 nm rrogram 10:00 Home 11:00 Tennesset Ernts 11:30 Sign OM 2:19 Today on WJNO 2 20 Lift Thine Eyes 2:25 News 3:30 Women Want To Know 8:00 Play Vlrtre "YOVB FACTORY SERVICE" piiom; 3-3110 3238 SOUTH DIXIE INSTALLATION SPECIALISTS OF -sV AU ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT sV TV ANTENNAS CAR RADIOS HIGH FIDELITY SOUND EQUIPMENT WIRK-TV WeB Palm Beach Cnonnel Wnrld News Channel 4 TV 4:30 Alex Gibson 6:30 Jack of all Sports 6:45 Renlck Reporting 7:00 Arthur Godfrey 8:00 Millionaire 8:30 I've Got a Secret 9:00 20th Century Fox 10:00 Touchdown 10:30 Death Valley Days 11:00 Late News 11:10 Weatherman 13 O'clock 5:00 Glenn and Mickey 5:15 Ramar of the J'ngle 5:45 Shopper's Guide 6:00 You May Be Next 6:10 Weaver W'therman 6:15 Edwards News 7:30 Yardb'd's Jamboret 8:30 Mark Saber 9:00 Inner Sanctum 9:30 Mayor of the Town 10:00 Late News 10:05 Sports Final 10:10 Show Tim H'TVJ Miami 7'00 Morning Show 7:55 Weather 8:00 Morning Show 9:00 Garry Moore Show 9:30 Arthur Godfrey 10:30 Strike It Rich 11:00 Valiant Lady 11:15 Love of Life 11:30 Search for Tom'row 11:45 Guiding Light 12:00 Noon Edition 12:15 Jnck Parr Show 12:30 Welcome Travelers 1:00 Menu Magic 1:30 House Party' 2:00 Big Payoff 2:30 Bob Crosby 3:00 Bruncn and Judy 3:30 On.

Your Account 4:00 Jackie's House 2:45 Test Pattern 3:00 Show Time Matlnea 4:00 Let Go Shopping 4:30 Circle 21 Ranch 6:00 Johnny Jupiter 6:30 Serial 6:45 Cartoons 7:00 Loral A State Newg 7:10 Sportscope Call 3-8720 DAY or NIGHT Salon of Music WCBS-TV-Mlaml Channel ti in Weather Wisdom WEAT-TV Wee Palm Beach Channel 12 N0RTHWO0D TV APPLIANCES 410 NORTHWOOD PHONE 2-1888 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE QUICK, PROMPT tV SERVICE CALLS MADE UP 'TIL 10 PM 6 15 Industry On Parade 6:30 Eddie Fisher 6:45 John C. Swayie 7:00 The Whistler 7:30 Mark Saber 8:00 The Passerby 8:15 Sports Time 8:30 The Falcon 9:00 This' Is Your Life 9:30 Abbott 4 Costello 10:00 News 1010 Weather Wise Barrat Wrestling :55 Farm Bulletin 7:00 Garroway 9:00 Ding Dong School 9:30 Search tor Beauty 10:00 Home 11:00 Tenn. Ernie 11:30 Fciher Your Nest 12:00 Theater 23 1:30 Today World 2:30 Ma Pa Perkins 3:00 Romper Room 3:45 Modern Romances 4:00 Pinky Lee 4:30 Howdy Doody 5:00 Adventure Time 6:30 Barber's Rascals 6:00 WGBS TV Newg 8:00 Masquerade Party 8:30 All-American game 9. 00 Chevez vs. Flanagan 9:45 Late Weather 9:50 Summer Theatre 5:00 Mickey Mouse Club 6:00 Sports Weather 6:15 John Daly 6:30 Disneyland 7:30 MGM Parade The bove' programs arg furnished by th radio and television stations.

The Post-Times Is not responsible for any program chan'-t..

The Palm Beach Post from West Palm Beach, Florida (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.